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Category: SCADA

ICS Security Solutions to Protect Critical Business Operations

“The computer running the water treatment plant hasn’t been touched in 20 years.”

This statement would make any IT professional cringe given that security risks have been a concern of IT departments for decades, as their foundations are built on innovation and security, the need to constantly evaluate technology, remain compliant, and take measures to stay ahead of potential breaches. So when there’s a computer that has not been assessed and updated in 20 years, it’s basically an open door to a cybersecurity attack, one that could shake a business to its core, and along with it, customer faith and shareholder confidence. Read more

Outsourcing an Automation System Integrator

Benefits to Industrial Manufacturers

Manufacturers looking to expand their operations and market share are keenly focused on operating more efficiently and increasing productivity, all while controlling costs and potentially working with limited staffing growth. And with today’s manufacturing processes being more advanced and complicated than ever before, manufacturers are investing in customized automation solutions to support their operations and business objectives. With that investment inevitably follows the question about who will support the company’s industrial controls systems? Is it better to staff the project internally or to seek outside help in the way of an PLC system integrator? Read more